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Simple Service Project {Spin Into Action}

You all know how much I love participating in the Champions for Kids campaigns.  This month we are focusing on Dental Care!!!  Arm and Hammer is spinning people into action to raise awareness about how important dental care is for kids.  Arm and Hammer makes these really awesome Spin Brushes that my kids love so much and  I think that it is a perfect item to give for a donation to the elementary school that my mom used to teach at!

Dental Care is something that I have become passionate about.  Especially after having three kids I know the importance of it!  Our second little girl was born missing two teeth in the front.  I really didn’t think anything of it when she first started getting in her teeth, but as time went by it became apparent that she probably would not get them in.   We took her to see the dentist in hopes of finding out if she had the permanent ones behind the babies, but since she was still so young (at two) the dentist could not tell us.  I am SO glad that we took her in though… what he did find out was that she has NO enamel on her molars.  He said that this is something that happens before a baby is born and that we must be vigilant in brushing and flossing her teeth to try and prevent cavities.

She is now 5 and still no cavities!!!  So glad that I was able to take her in at 2!  I made this little chalkboard display for the bathroom the other day to help my girls keep track of how much they brush their teeth. I just used some chalkboard paint on top of a flat canvas… instant chalkboard!   They love checking it off and it helps them remember that they need to do it twice a day!


There are some startling statistics when it comes to children and dental care…

From the CFK website:

Did You Know?

• Over 19% of children ages 2-19 have untreated cavities. A child’s complete
preventive dental program should include fluoride, at least twice-daily brushing,
wise food choices, and regular dental care.
• Tooth decay remains one of the most common diseases of childhood. Children
living in poverty suffer twice as much tooth decay as their more affluent peers,
and their disease is more likely to go untreated.
• The daily reality for children with untreated oral disease is often persistent pain,
inability to eat comfortably or chew well, embarrassment at discolored and
damaged teeth, and distraction from play and learning.

 The good new is that there are things that we can do to help kids in our community get excited about brushing their teeth and help to provide tooth-brushes and tooth-paste to kids in need.   I recently went to Walmart (which you can see my whole shopping experience on google plus) to pick up supplies to donate to the school that my mom used to teach at.    Most of the kids at this school come from homes that are struggling to provide food…much less dental care.   I know that these kids will be thrilled to receive a spinbrush and some other dental care items!

We looked all over for the best tooth care items we could find!

We loved the customization possibilities of the toothpaste that the kids can use stickers on!

Arm and Hammer had the cutest stickers to customize their Spin Brushes.  They had them in boy and girl styles… So cute!

Will you join Arm and Hammer and donate to an organization or charity that helps distribute dental care items to kids that need them?  It is such a simple and effective way to help your community out!   In fact, Champions for Kids is frequently hotsing these simple service projects and their goal is to reach millions of kids in communities all across the US!

There are tons of ways to get connected with CFK and here are some links dedicated to this great cause:

Champions for Kids

Champions for Kids Twitter

Champions for KidsFacebook


FacebookSpinbrush/Arm&Hammer Twitter

“I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Champions for Kids #CBias #SocialFabric  All opinions expressed in this post are my own personal opinions.”

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Spinning into Action with CFK! {Donation} #SpinbrushCFK #CBias - Bubbly Nature Creations

Tuesday 17th of July 2012

[...] last week when I wrote about participating in the Champions for Kids Simple Service project?  Today I am going to show you my donation!  We had a blast picking out the toothbrushes and [...]

Simple Service Project {Spin Into Action} - Champions for Kids

Wednesday 11th of July 2012

[...] of Bubbly Nature Creations knows firsthand just how important good oral care is.  Her daughter was born with NO enamel on her [...]


Sunday 8th of July 2012

How awesome that she's doing great even with the enamel missing. That just means you're doing a great job staying on top of their dental care!


Sunday 8th of July 2012

We just found out our oldest does not have enamel on one of her back molars. :( Unfortunately for us it resulted in her getting a bad cavity in her tooth and a filling. We were looking at a root canal though so a filling is much better! lol

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