This fun Encanto dessert looks like it is one of Bruno’s visions from the movie! Bruno Jello Jigglers are so fun to make and (wether you like it or not) will have everyone singing, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”!

Let’s DO talk about the earworm song “We don’t talk about Bruno” for a minute. Ever since our family started watching Disney’s “Encanto” we’ve had this song in our heads. We loved the movie and all the songs, but this one in particular we’ve been singing constantly. It’s just so catchy and fun!

My birthday boy’s main request was that I use Bruno in a Encanto themed dessert idea. We both thought that our table should have some Bruno decorations as well. He absolutely loved the Bruno Jello Jigglers Dessert which made this mama happy that he loved it.

As a side note; Have you ever noticed how in Disney movies the main villain is usually associated with a neon lime green color? I am not sure of all the reasons for that, but if there is not green is it really evil? At least that’s what Disney has taught us! That’s why I used the brightest green color I could find for this Encanto Bruno Jello Dessert idea. If you don’t like the lime flavor try the Jolly Rancher green apple that has a bright green color.

I traced the design I wanted on the jello onto parchment paper first. The parchment paper allowed me to trace it, but because parchment has a thin layer of silicone, the ink does not completely stick to the paper.

The next step is to turn the parchment over and transfer the ink onto the jello. The light impression becomes a template to re-trace the design on the jello using the same edible food marker. Make sure to transfer the design quickly after drawing it onto the parchment paper while the ink is still a bit tacky.

I normally have a lot of issues using edible writers on things like icing or fondant where the sugars tend to gunk up on them and they become useless pretty quickly. The gelatin works great for this application, though. Make sure to use less water in the jello recipe so the gelatin is more of a solid that liquid or turning the jello over will be impossible. Using less water also makes it to where you can write on the gelatin and pick it up by hand.

The gelatin should flip easily if it is prepared using just one cup of boiling water for one box of jello (or other similar gelatin dessert mix). I also prepare the baking dish with a thin layer of cooking spray so that it is easy to to flip over.
Alternatively, you can skip drawing anything on the jello and use the free printable underneath the jello. To do this cover the print out in press n seal plastic wrap. I have not tried this method, but in theory it should work just fine. I do think having the writing on the jello is better, though, and so fun once you cut into it!

The picture shows how to cover a piece of paper in plastic wrap (I used Glad press and seal). I used this paper on my serving dish because it was a dark wood and you wouldn’t have been able to see the writing on it. If your serving dish is a light color you can skip this step.

To complete this Encanto themed dessert I placed it on my serving tray and added some fun gummy candies all around. I also printed off a picture of Bruno’s vision (I just found one I liked online) onto vellum paper. This photo was used on the table as a decoration for our Encanto themed party. I set it up right beside the Bruno Jello and it was the perfect backdrop!
This turned out so colorful and fun. Bruno Jello Jigglers were a tasty favorite of all the desserts we had at the party!

Be sure to subscribe in order to print out the free printable design to make your own Bruno Jello Encanto Themed Dessert.
Head to this post if you already are subscribed and know the passcode. If you can’t remember the passcode just sign up for newsletters again below and a new email will be sent.
Bruno Jello Jigglers

This fun dessert looks like it is one of Bruno's visions from the movie Encanto! Using an edible writing pen you can draw anything you want right on top of the Jello or use parchment paper to copy and transfer the design. See post above to get your free Bruno Jello Template that has "We Don't Talk About Bruno" written on it to copy with the edible pen!
- 1 box Green Gelatin Dessert Mix (like the common brand Jello) I used Jolly Ranchers flavored gelatin
- 1/2 Tbsp. unflavored gelatin (common brand is Knox)
- 1 cup water
- 1 edible writing pen in a dark color (preferably black)
- Parchment paper (optional)
- Bruno Jello Template (optional)
- Prepare a 9x13 inch casserole dish (glass, porcelain or silicone) by spraying it very lightly with a cooking spray.
- Boil one cup of water in a small pan and turn off the heat once it is at a rapid boil. Immediately add both the gelatin mix and unflavored gelatin and stir to combine.
- Next pour the hot gelatin into the prepared dish. Refrigerate gelatin in the dish for at least 4 hours.
- At this point you can serve the gelatin as is (without any writing on it) or use the pen to write what you want on the gelatin. If you are "free handing" a design you can just write the design on top and leave it in the dish if you want or transfer the gelatin to a light colored serving dish (my suggestion) so you can see the design better.
- This is how to make the design using the free printable template: Use parchment paper to trace the Bruno template with the edible writing pen first. Then simply turn the parchment over with the written side down and place it on top of the gelatin to transfer the design. Make sure to press the design well sort of like a temporary tattoo and then peel the parchment off.
- The design will look backwards until you flip the gelatin over. Before flipping use the pen to fill in any imperfections before flipping it over. You may need to retrace everything depending on how well the design transferred.
- You may need to run a knife around the edge of the jello before flipping, but once you get it started it should flip easily. The gelatin should stay in tact while flipping as long as you used the recipe I've included and chilled the dessert at least 4 hours. I suggest placing the gelatin on a white or light colored serving plate (at least 9x13 inches in size) so that the design can easily be seen.
Be sure to read the main post and subscribe to get the free template. Just provide your email address and confirm. Once you have confirmed the code and links will be provided.

What I like most about this Bruno Jello Jigglers Encanto dessert is that it can be used for any occasion.
You don’t have to wait to make it for an Encanto party. Maybe make it for a snack for the kids or a dessert for a Encanto movie family night. The writing is also optional so it can be as easy as printing off the design (prepared with press n seal wrap like above) and placing the jello on top! The options are endless for this cute Encanto Themed Dessert! Enjoy!