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5 Tips for Preventing Toddler Melt Downs

Today’s post is sponsored by Gerber, but my love for their snack options are all my own!gerber-little-beanies

It’s not easy being a toddler!  It seems like my little one has had more of his meltdowns recently and I just have to tell myself that all toddlers go through this stage.  One thing that I have learned in all of the tantrums and melt downs is that they are sometimes preventable.  Sometimes they come out of no where, but other times I can clearly see a pattern.  I am giving my best tips to prevent those tantrums and melt downs before they start with these 5 Tips for Preventing Toddler Melt Downs.


Tip 1:  Probably the most important tip.  Is your child hungry (or hangry)?  This is an important question to ask because toddlers (just like babies) require plenty of snacks between meals to keep their little tummies from rumbling.  I always try to keep portable snacks in the diaper bag just for this reason.  We love the Gerber® Lil’ BeaniesTM because they taste great and I can feel good that they are a healthier snacking option.

Tip 2: Is your child sleepy?  If it’s close to bed time or nap time it might not be the best time to take your toddler to the grocery store!  This is another one that seems to be a little more obvious because most toddlers have a set time they nap, but during growth spurts there are times they require more sleep.  A lot of my toddlers out bursts happen right before bed so I like to keep him calm during that time by having some consistency in our bedtime routine.

Tip 3: Is your child bored?  I know my toddler has a whole lot of times that he is just simply bored and loves the attention he is getting from his little out bursts.  My best solution to this is to have several activities and toys available when he needs them.  It doesn’t have to be a strategic plan, but just have things on hand that you know your toddler loves.

Tip 4: Is your child thirsty?  This goes hand in hand with the first tip, but sometimes this one is not as obvious.  I try to make sure that my toddler is getting plenty to drink all day and that we don’t leave home without a sippy cup.

Tip 5:  Is it time for a cuddle?  Sometimes toddlers just don’t know how to express what they need and their biggest need is love!  If I know a tantrum is about to start (when he is getting cranky) I just simple ask if he needs a hug.  Often he will willingly jump into my arms and that has prevented a lot of melt downs for sure!


I find the Gerber® Lil’ BeaniesTM at Walmart and I always grab a container or two every time we go.  Made from the goodness of navy beans, Lil’ BeaniesTM has 2 grams of protein (9% Daily Value) and 1 gram of fiber per serving. Also, Lil’ BeaniesTM is baked, not made with genetically engineered (GM) ingredients, naturally flavored and has a taste toddlers love!   They really are perfect to have on the go because of the convenient container.  Gerber® Lil’ BeaniesTM Snack is baked, not made with genetically engineered (GM) ingredients, and is naturally flavored!

Here is my toddler ready to go with his  Gerber® Lil’ BeaniesTM Original and Gerber® Lil’ BeaniesTM White Cheddar & Broccoli!  He loves the taste and I love that they are a great snack option on the go.


What great ideas do you have to prevent your toddler from having a meltdown?  I’d love to hear your tips, too!  Don’t forget to get the Gerber Ibotta offer before it runs out!

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