This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
It’s always hard to find time to get together with friends when you start having kids. This is especially true if they have kids too. That’s why I like to plan a few play dates so the adults and kids can get together! We had a messy fun play date the other day with the kids and everyone left with smiles. The kids got to get messy by finger painting with pudding and the adults got some much needed adult conversation.
Of course we had lots of yummy food at our get together. I also had some samples of WaterWipes baby wipes for all the moms to try out with their babies! WaterWipes baby wipes are chemical free baby wipes that I really love. I couldn’t wait to share them with my friends and family! WaterWipes contains only two ingredients, 99.9% pure Irish water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract. They have so many uses beyond just a baby wipe too.
They are great for taking off makeup, as a hand wipe and to wipe up messes on faces. WaterWipes baby wipes really are the more natural and safe option!
The babies had a blast playing with the pudding. This little guy was the most curious of the bunch and started playing right away! He squished and ate the pudding with his hands and put it all over the table. The WaterWipes wiped it all up and proved to be both durable and effective.
The little twins were just as excited about the pudding! They were both so cute smearing it everywhere.
I’m glad that there is such a natural and safe baby wipe available to use now. Everyone was so impressed with these wipes and how natural they are. Be sure to check out the WaterWipes Pure Love video where world-renowned skin to skin expert Dr Susan Ludington shows the science behind skin to skin and the natural power a mum has to care for her baby!