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Best Baby Wipes for Sensitive Skin

This post about the Best Baby Wipes for Sensitive Skin was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.Water Wipes

Sensitive skin runs in our family.  My third born girl had the most sensitive skin of us all and still does.  I remember trying out different kinds of baby wipes with her and no matter what we tried her skin would still get red.  I wondered if there was a better baby wipe out there for her, but we got through that time by using lots of diaper creams.  I recently discovered WaterWipes baby wipes with my 5th child and I really love how gentle they are for his sensitive skin.  I wish that I would have had them with all my kids!

They are the Best Baby Wipes for Sensitive Skin.

Water Wipes All Natural Baby Wipes!!!

WaterWipes is a chemical free baby wipe that contains only two ingredients, 99.9% pure Irish water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract.  They are durable and effective for diaper changes and beyond.  Babies have skin that is much thinner and more sensitive to chemicals compared to adults so I’m glad that I found this option for my babies!  They are great for diaper changes and I find myself using only a couple of them for even the messiest diapers.  The material is also very soft and soothing.

Water Wipes All Natural Baby Wipes!

We keep plenty of the WaterWipes on hand and in the diaper bag.  I make sure not to leave home without them!  We also use them to clean up messes while we are out and about.  My older kids and I use them to wipe off food from eating lunch when we don’t have access to a bathroom.  They are also gentle enough to use on the face if I need to wipe up the baby after he gets messy with his food.  None of my kids have ever had eczema, but they are a great option for those babies that do.

Water Wipes All Natural Baby Wipes

Skin to skin contact is so important for babies and I love this WaterWipes Pure Love video that shows the effects that skin to skin contact can have.  Just all the more reason to take care of that delicate skin.

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